Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hear My Roar Die Down.

So this is my very first post to my blog! I'm actually pretty excited about using this as an outlet to rely my journey into being the kind of woman God has called me to be. But to fully appreciate this blog you will need to understand some of my history. I was raised in a Christian home and have always had an extremely independent spirit. I started to take this independence to a whole new level and through a series of events began to see men as the enemy. During an episode of one of my favorite shows of all time (Boy Meets World) Topanga states that she wants to be the ruler of the world and that "men will be hoarded underground and used for breeding purposes only." This may sound drastic, but it's the way I felt! I became what can only be described as a Femi-nazi. I literally almost got Rosie the Riveter tattooed on me. "I am woman, hear me roar!" became my cliche catch phrase, and so on and so forth. Needless to say cooking, cleaning, children, and marriage were no where in my book.

Just recently though I have come to realize that not all men, and especially not Christian men, are bad. Furthermore, I have begun to realize that maybe staying home, cooking, cleaning, and having children and a marriage aren't things that stifle independence. I have realized that my hatred towards these things came out of  insecurities and past hurt. Through God's all powerful and redeeming love I am working through these things.

So by using scripture and the guidance of many wise women in my life (who are all pretty happy I've stopped my campaigns) I am beginning to explore these traditional activities to try to figure out the kind of woman I was created to be.

1 comment:

  1. You can't even imagine the level of excitement in me right now. I can't wait to read your blog! :-D
